About Me
Angel Number List have so many things I want to share with everyone who has ever felt depression, anxiety, low self-confidence, or anyone who has just felt as if life was difficult and unpleasant. So many of us experience this. But life just isn’t meant to be like that.
I spent so much of my life living in poverty – certain I would never be able to turn my life around, For years, I struggled with emotional pain, hopelessness, and feeling helpless and worthless. Taking various medications with side-effects and attending therapy after therapy session. Only to find my life getting worse and more difficult. That is until I began looking at the world and life from a different perspective. I fell so far down the depths of depression that I guess the only way to look was up.
I prayed and my angels answered me. Ever since then I have embraced this new perspective this new way of living. It is the part of our lives that is not seen by the eyes, but rather by the heart and soul. The metaphysical world. I have since mastered an understanding and discovered techniques that have changed the way I experience everything.
I now see life as positive, hopeful, and easy to find happiness and success. So it is through this blog and the books I write, I am sharing it all with you. I am so happy you have decided to join me on this journey.
A Brief History
I have always cared about other people and find I get the most joy and satisfaction when I am able to help others.
There is simply nothing that feels better than helping another feel good and full of hope.
That is why I became a therapist. Having been depressed since my teen years, I wanted to do my best to help others not to have to suffer through feeling bad about themselves or their life.
Yet, even as a therapist, it felt as if something was missing. My clients and I would find ourselves feeling better, but it just didn’t last.
The problem with riding the waves of depression is those waves grow bigger as time goes by until you feel as if you just can’t fight them anymore. It becomes easier to just let yourself drown.
That is where I was when I experienced a miracle. A miracle that finally got me out of my own way. So I could open my eyes and see that there is more to our existence than what we experience with our five senses.
We are more than just our physical bodies.
And we are not alone.
I have faith and truly believe that, through this blog and by writing books, I can share what I have learned to improve my life and change my reality with as many people as possible.
Helping whoever stumbles upon this site put an end to struggle, challenge, and pain. So you can live the life you are meant to have.
A life of abundance, health, love, and happiness.
Thank You!